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I Study AP in Computer Science at UCN in Aalborg - This is my story

Study AP in Computer Science

How did you find out about your program?

At first, I knew I wanted to go abroad. My girlfriend was planning to apply to a school in Denmark and so we found UCN, and I really liked their programs. I also knew one person who studied at UCN and he assured me that it is worth it and that I should definitely try.

Man sitting on the blanket holding a dog.

Would you recommend your program to others interested in this field?

I would absolutely recommend this program to people who are interested in this field. What I like the most is that even if you only know the basics, at UCN they will teach you everything from the start, but sometimes you also need to supplement that with learning in your free time. Another thing I like is that not only programming is being taught but also business, so you can gain knowledge in more areas.

Did the program live up to your expectations?

I didn’t know what to expect, as I am used to different standards. However, the teaching style here surprised me positively and I am glad I came to study here. I feel like we are learning about stuff we are going to use in our future professions.

Is your uni place to hang out? Or you are going there just to study?

The campus has a pleasant environment with areas where you can sit with your classmates and study. However, I have not seen the campus so much because of the corona. So, I have not experienced any activities there yet. But I have heard that there is a Friday bar where you can meet with people and hang out with friends. Also, there are many events initiated by UCN, which were unfortunately cancelled.

Building of UCN

Do you live in a dorm? How much do you pay?

No, I live in an apartment. The rent is around 2.100 DKK, but I have applied for housing benefit so now I pay a bit less.

Do you feel like you’re getting a good deal at the place where you stay?

After what I heard from others about the rent they pay, I feel like I have a great price for the place I am staying in. I am close to city centre, not so far from school and the building is pretty new.

How are you traveling to your university?

As most of the people in Aalborg, I cycle to school. It is the fastest means of transport and you can get almost anywhere. As long as you are staying in Denmark you should get a bike.

Traveling to your university

Are there good places for drinking/eating in the surroundings?

There are lots of places to get yourselves a drink or to eat something, and there is a large variety. There is also a whole street of only bars and clubs. However, eating out and drinking often is not the best way to save money. 😅

What is one thing you love about your city?

The Fjord. I live just 1 minute away from the Fjord and I love to go there and hang out with my friends. Plus, Aalborg is a student city and it radiates such positive vibes.

one thing you love about your city

What is one thing you love about Denmark?

What I love the most about Denmark are the people. I love how they don't seem to live rushed lives.

Are you attending Danish classes? If so, how are they?

Yes, I am and I would say they are nice. You can learn the basics of Danish pretty quickly. I have Danish classes once a week and that is enough for me, but you can also get a different course which is two times a week.

Do you feel involved in your community? Are you a member of any association?

Right now, I'm not a member of any association, however I feel involved in the community as many Czechs and Slovaks live here.

What do you feel like is your biggest struggle these days?

The biggest struggle for me is that it's hard to find a job during the corona time. Moreover, I'm glad that we have found such good accommodation, because I have heard from many people that they have already moved 1-2 times.

What was your budget and did you manage to stick to it?

At first, I was counting that I would need 600-700 euros a month to survive, including rent. But now I can live on 450 euros a month (rent included)! It depends how much you are going out with friends, eating out and so on. There is also this thing called Food Bank where you could get free food the supermarkets would otherwise throw out. We mostly take vegetables and fruit, so one could really save some money on these. However, if it wasn't for corona, I would probably spend a bit more.

How often do you get to travel home and how do you usually travel?

I was home only once and that was on Christmas. The next time I am planning to go home will probably be in the summer. There aren't many opportunities to travel nowadays due to the restrictions. Otherwise, I would probably travel one or two times more. From Denmark we travelled by plane, but back to Denmark we went by car, because of the restrictions. However, I would travel by plane most of the times.

How fast were you able to find a job?

When we came, there were some opportunities to work and many people had a job, but I couldn’t find a job for one month. Then, me and my girlfriend started to clean a café each weekend, but It didn’t last so long because of the corona restrictions and because the café closed down eventually. From then on, I couldn’t find another job and now it's really hard to find something, but I hope that when they gradually start to loosen the restrictions we will go back to work.

Do you think you will stay in Denmark after university and what will be the deciding factors?

I don’t know what the future will bring. Hopefully I will continue with a Top-up degree, and thus finish the school with a bachelor’s degree. When an opportunity for a job turns up, I will take it. However, sooner or later I want to go back to my home country.

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